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Jun 24

Partex and Singapore’s Experimental Drug Development Centre collaborate to bring forward an innovative approach for early drug discovery and development

Frankfurt, Germany, 3rd June 2024, 9am CET Partex, a leading provider of AI-driven solutions in the pharmaceutical industry, is thrilled...
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Apr 24

Partex Partners with Lupin to Revolutionize Drug Discovery through AI-Driven Asset Search and Evaluation

Frankfurt, Germany, 23 April 2024 – Partex, a leading provider of AI-driven solutions in the pharmaceutical industry, is thrilled to...
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Innoplexus wins Horizon Interactive Gold Award for Curia App

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Author name: Silke Otte

Silke Otte is the Chief Marketing Officer of Innoplexus and brings more than 22 years of IT and financial services industry experience in digital channels, advertising, customer relationship management (CRM), campaign management, and concept development.


Understanding the Computer Vision Technology

The early 1970s introduced the world to the idea of computer vision, a promising technology automating tasks that would otherwise take humans years to do. In 45 years, computer vision would become an integral component in artificial intelligence (AI) applications across industries. After years of exponential growth, through breakthroughs in AI technology and an explosion …

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What is Data Analysis?

We live in a data-driven world. The volume of data is exploding – created by private consumers, businesses and machines across the globe. 2025 the volume of global data is forecast to reach up to 180 zettabytes – that’s a figure with 21 zeros before the decimal. This includes information from business transactions, scientific research …

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Advantages of Artificial Intelligence

AI or Artificial Intelligence works by effectively combining high volumes of data using intelligent and quick algorithms with iterative processing and thereby allowing itself to self-learn automatically from the characteristics of such data. The tasks can range from speech or natural language recognition and translation into different languages, to visual perception and even decision making. …

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What is Machine Learning?

Machine learning (ML) is an integral sub-field of AI or Artificial Intelligence that applies statistical, logical and mathematical techniques in order for computers to progressively learn data processing without exclusive programming. AI plays a vital role in powering innovation. Just to clarify the difference: The field of data mining has acquired most of its motivation …

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How does Artificial Intelligence work?

Artificial Intelligence garners more frontpage headlines every day. Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is the technology enabling machines to learn from experience and perform human-like tasks. Ping-ponging between utopian and dystopian, opinions vary wildly regarding the current and future applications, or worse, implications, of artificial intelligence. Without the proper moorings, our minds tend to drift into …

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