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Jun 24

Partex and Singapore’s Experimental Drug Development Centre collaborate to bring forward an innovative approach for early drug discovery and development

Frankfurt, Germany, 3rd June 2024, 9am CET Partex, a leading provider of AI-driven solutions in the pharmaceutical industry, is thrilled...
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Apr 24

Partex Partners with Lupin to Revolutionize Drug Discovery through AI-Driven Asset Search and Evaluation

Frankfurt, Germany, 23 April 2024 – Partex, a leading provider of AI-driven solutions in the pharmaceutical industry, is thrilled to...
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Innoplexus wins Horizon Interactive Gold Award for Curia App

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You Can’t Find the Needle If You Don’t Know It Exists

This blog is adapted from my book titled “Inside the Cockpit: Navigating the Complexity of Drug Development with AI and Blockchain”. Full copies are available here.  In December 2014, a twenty-nine-year-old investor named Vivek Ramaswamy bought a patent from GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) for $5 million. The patent covered an Alzheimer’s drug candidate that had failed GSK’s …

You Can’t Find the Needle If You Don’t Know It Exists Read More »


Build KOL Connections and Leverage Their Networks to Influence Stakeholders

Key opinion leaders (KOLs) play a central role in creating brand value for a pharmaceutical company. They are not only the face of the brand for the outside world but also an irreplaceable resource within the company, bringing new insights and overall enhancement throughout the drug development process. So, who are the KOLs? When a …

Build KOL Connections and Leverage Their Networks to Influence Stakeholders Read More »


How can AI help in Transforming the Drug Development Cycle?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the pharmaceutical industry with extraordinary innovations that are automating processes at every stage of drug development. Pharma companies are investing in AI-driven applications for transforming healthcare, reducing R&D spends, and expanding the scope of drug discovery. By expediting research efforts, AI is turning hype into use cases and increasing ROI …

How can AI help in Transforming the Drug Development Cycle? Read More »


Does Your Scientific Narrative Resonate in the Pharmaceutical Ecosystem?

Monitoring the impact of your scientific narrative in real time The term “scientific narrative” refers to the comprehensive communication strategy to position a therapy and sets forth the quintessence of the mission and vision of a particular therapy. It encompasses all attributes of the therapy from scientific data and health economic arguments to clinical practice …

Does Your Scientific Narrative Resonate in the Pharmaceutical Ecosystem? Read More »


Uncovering Opportunities in the Pharma Patent Landscape

For the pharmaceutical industry, staying up to date with the ever-changing patent landscape holds the key to better strategizing drug development and drug repurposing, and helps save considerable amounts of money and effort. The pharmaceutical industry is known for its high spends in bringing new therapies to market. In the United States alone, biopharmaceutical companies …

Uncovering Opportunities in the Pharma Patent Landscape Read More »


How Can AI Technologies Help Streamline Medical Affairs Processes?

For pharmaceutical companies, much of the success of a new drug depends on how well it is marketed. There are various stages a drug goes through before reaching the commercialization phase, and, by necessity, focus is placed more on drug development than on marketing. This puts a lot of pressure on commercial teams. They need …

How Can AI Technologies Help Streamline Medical Affairs Processes? Read More »


To unlock innovation, pharma needs to be honest about failure

Many successful leaders agree that a company’s willingness to embrace and learn from failure can unlock innovation – and it’s a lesson the pharmaceutical industry would do well to learn. Take Jeff Bezos, for example. As the CEO of Amazon, he encourages designing bold experiments that may lead to failure. After Amazon acquired Whole Foods, …

To unlock innovation, pharma needs to be honest about failure Read More »


How AI And Blockchain can revolutionize pharmaceutical trials

It’s widely known by the pharmaceutical community that nearly nine out of ten drug candidates fail to win FDA approval, resulting in enormous drug development expenses every year. Less commonly understood is the underlying cause of these high failure rates, and what the pharmaceutical industry can do to overcome this challenge. Currently, in an effort …

How AI And Blockchain can revolutionize pharmaceutical trials Read More »