Innoplexus Proudly Announces the Launch of its Product iPlexus, at Bio-IT World, 2017

Innoplexus Proudly Announces the Launch of its Product iPlexus, at Bio-IT World, 2017

Innoplexus unveiled iPlexus at Bio-IT, 2017, Boston. iPlexus.ai is an end-to-end platform for Life Sciences which leverages Artificial Intelligence (AI) to cut the drug development time, from synthesis to approval, significantly. It generates continuous intelligence and insights, across discovery, clinical development, regulatory and commercial stages of drug development, spanning all major therapeutic areas and indications. It has modules for Competitive Intelligence, Clinical Intelligence, Regulatory Intelligence, Gene and Intervention landscapes.

The platform leverages our proprietary CAAV™ framework to crawl, aggregate, analyse, index and visualise hundreds of terabytes of scientific data across hundreds of clinical trial databases, biological databases, major patent offices, congresses, theses, forums and regulatory bodies. It offers confidence that the researcher will not miss any significant information that might impact his/her research later. There is value in getting information readily and as soon as it's available - more so in research, as it can totally change the path of the work that happens next. A researcher, now with its help, can get real-time access and understanding of the wide variety of research data, and benefit from understanding their cross-pollination.

It offers an easy to use, intuitive, secure, cloud-based system which generates intelligence across datasets using machine learning models, natural language processing and advanced text analytics. Our patent pending data extraction algorithms leverage our Ontologise™ framework to transform raw unstructured data into a structured form. Making data and insights instantly and continuously available takes the pain out of data collection, curation and analysis, eventually helping to make informed decisions better and faster.

iPlexus homes in 35+ million scientific articles, more than 150+ clinical trials databases, over 250+ biological databases, along with major international congresses, patents, etc.

Innoplexus has innovated in the way data is crawled (collected) from thousands of data sources across hundreds of formats of HTMLs, PDFs and other document types. Innoplexus' technology is now able to leverage Deep Learning and Computer Vision to extract specific data points from unstructured, unlabelled, continuous text as well.

In addition, it is able to disambiguate between entities eg. different authors with same names and leverage our ontology to discover relationships between them.

News source: PRNewswire

This article was originally published on Cision


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