Frankfurt, Germany & Miami, FL, USA – March 17, 2025 – Partex NV and Fortress Biotech, Inc. (Nasdaq: FBIO) (“Fortress”), an innovative biopharmaceutical compan...
Frankfurt, Germany, 20th February, 2025 – Partex is pleased to announce a strategic collaboration with Princeton Drug Discovery Ltd (PDD), a leading biotech c...
Pune, [13-02-2025]: Pimpri Chinchwad University (PCU) reaffirmed its commitment to technological excellence and academic innovation by organizing a two -day Fac...
Pressemitteilung vom 08.01.2025 Die Amrit AG, ein Unternehmen der Partex Gruppe - einem führenden Anbieter von KI-Lösungen im Gesundheitswesen - gibt heute de...
Partnership aims to expand therapeutic potential of proprietary autotaxin inhibitor through AI-driven approach Frankfurt, Germany – Date – Partex, a leader in ...
Frankfurt, Germany, 3 rd June 2024, 9am CET Partex, a leading provider of AI-driven solutions in the pharmaceutical industry, is thrilled to announce i...
Frankfurt, Germany, 23 April 2024 – Partex, a leading provider of AI-driven solutions in the pharmaceutical industry, is thrilled to announce its partnership wi...
Frankfurt, Germany; 28 March 2024 – Partex Group, a pioneer in AI-driven drug discovery, announces a collaboration with Althea DRF Lifesciences, an established ...
During the German Cancer Congress 2024 in Berlin, the companies Innoplexus AG /Amrit AG, companies of Partex N.V., presented the results of a pilot project carr...
Frankfurt, Germany; 14 March 2024 Partex Group, a pioneer in AI-driven drug discovery, today announces a collaboration with global pharmaceutical giant Sanofi, ...
January 02, 2024 - Innoplexus and Amrit AG, members of the Partex NV Group, providers of innovative technology for health data analysis, and AIO Studien gGmbH, ...
Exciting News! Anavex Life Sciences and Partex NV Announce Strategic Partnership to Enhance Patient Experience. Anavex Life Sciences Corp. and Partex NV ...
The treatment and support of patients with advanced tumor diseases is a complex task involving numerous disciplines. For the interdisciplinary medical exchange,...
Bad Hersfeld / Germany, Aug 02, 2022 – Mayor Thomas Fehling took the opportunity at the Smart City Forum, which took place a few days ago in the Bad Hersfeld St...
Artificial Intelligence (AI) pioneer Innoplexus and London based Parametric Insurance start-up, Innovatrix Capital, collaborating upon using AI & Machine Le...
Innoplexus and Inflection Biosciences enter strategic collaboration based on Artificial Intelligence to expedite PIM kinase inhibitor development ESCHBORN, G...
COVID-19 Clearinghouse is the go-to platform for directly accessing the latest information and research about the coronavirus and COVID-19. ESCHBOR...
COVID-19 Clearinghouse enables direct access to latest COVID-19 datasets, publications, research and clinical trials BOSTON and DURHAM, N.C. and ESCHBORN...
Die Eschborner Firma Innoplexus ist so etwas wie das Google für die Pharmaindustrie. Firmenchef Gunjan Bhardwaj erklärt, wie künstliche Intelligenz beim Kampf g...
Mit künstlicher Intelligenz gegen Krankheiten: Wie Gunjan Bhardwaj die Regeln der Arzneimittelforschung umschreiben will – für schnellere Ergebnisse und bessere...
Hessen fördert Forschungsprojekt mit rund 1,4 Mio. Euro. Mit einem Zuschuss von 1,4 Mio. Euro unterstützt Hessen die Entwicklung eines Wirkstoffkandidate...
Das Eschborner Unternehmen Innoplexus hat eine neue App namens „Curia“ für Krebspatienten veröffentlicht. Mit dem Computerprogramm, das sich unentgeltlich herun...
For the first time in a pandemic, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is playing a role like never before in areas ranging from diagnosing risk to doubt-clearing, from...
Disclaimer: This press release and our findings are solely intended as information for the scientific community. This content is not intended to be a subs...
Frankfurt, Germany, March 26, 2020 — Innoplexus AG has been honored with the Silver Edison Award 2020 for its proprietary Ontosight Ⓡ Explore platform. Th...
ESCHBORN, Germany, March 18, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — The German company Innoplexus AG, also known as the “Google of the healthcare industry” ( Welt ) – is tak...
FRANKFURT, Germany, March 15, 2020,/PRNewswire/ — Innoplexus AG has made its proprietary Ontosight ® AI search platform available to medical researchers a...
Eschborn, 11.03.2020 – The Supervisory Board of Innoplexus AG has appointed Christian Bigatà Joseph (45) as CFO, effective as of February 1, 2020. Christi...
Pune, India, February 13, 2020 – Innoplexus Consulting Services Private Limited, a subsidiary of Innoplexus AG, is delighted to have been awarded ISO/IEC 27001:...
Catana Capital partners with a leading provider of AI solutions in the Life Science sector Frankfurt am Main, December 16, 2019: As a pioneer in...
Frankfurt, Germany, October 15, 2019 – Innoplexus AG announces a partnership with John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (NYSE: JW-A) (NYSE: JW-B) to enable Innoplexus’s p...
Frankfurt, Germany – Budapest, Hungary, September 16, 2019 – Innoplexus announces an official partnership with ChemAxon, getting the most value out from life sc...
Hoboken, New Jersey, September 16, 2019- Innoplexus Inc., a subsidiary of Innoplexus AG, announced today the appointment of Stratos Davlos as Chief Technology O...
Innoplexus aus Eschborn und der Vermögensverwalter Acatis aus Frankfurt testen eine neue KI-Maschine für die Geldanlage. Der 21. März 2019 bleibt den Akt...
Hoboken, New Jersey, September 12, 2019 – Innoplexus Inc, a subsidiary of Innoplexus AG, Frankfurt, which has developed the most comprehensive, industry vali...
Hoboken, NJ, August 5, 2019 – Innoplexus Holdings, Inc., a leader in artificial intelligence (AI) solutions for the life sciences industry, has partnered with t...
While drug development can be incredibly lucrative, it is a very risky business. German company Innoplexus has developed a domain-specific AI prediction engine,...
While drug development can be incredibly lucrative, it is a very risky business. German company Innoplexus has developed a domain-specific AI prediction engine,...
Gunjan Bhardwaj chose Germany as the place to launch his advanced search and discovery solution. His company assists the healthcare industry by organizing and ...
While the auto industry is embracing big data and its opportunities for new services and deep insights, auto companies are wary of security risks that could spa...
Frankfurt, Germany, May 21, 2019 -- Innoplexus announced today the launch of Ontosight Academic, a platform that provides academic researchers free access to a ...
Der am 16.3.2018 in München gegründete KI-Bundesverband verfolgt das Ziel, Deutschland als attraktiven Wirtschaftsstandort für die Weiterentwicklung von KI zu e...
Veröffentlicht am 18.06.18 um 17:32 Uhr Quelle: © hessenschau Der regionale Fernsehsender Hessenschau berichtet im Rahmen der in Frankfurt am Main stat...
Die Digitalisierung wird zum Hoffnungsträger: Neue Analysen, Vernetzung sowie größere Datenmengen könnten der Arzneimittelentwicklung Schub geben. Frank...
Inder und Schwabe Mit Freunden aus Indien hat Gunjan Bhardwaj in Deutschland Innoplexus aufgebaut – eine ausgeklügelte Suchmaschine für die Pharmabranche...
Dr. Gunjan Bhardwaj ist Gründer und CEO der Innoplexus AG. Mit Hilfe von Künstlicher Intelligenz, Blockchain und Big-Data-Analyse-Anwendungen hat ihre Software ...
Gunjan Bhardwaj hilft Pharmakonzernen, mehr über Krankheiten herauszufinden. Durch künstliche Intelligenz sollen sie schneller Medikamente entwickeln. Fr...
Christian Angermayer, Apeiron Investment Group, über die internationale KI-Szene, die Möglichkeiten, die sie eröffnet, und warum Deutschland das Potenzial hat, ...
Ob Medizin, Bankgeschäfte oder Mobilität: In Zukunft soll Künstliche Intelligenz aus dem Alltag nicht mehr wegzudenken sein. Hessische Unternehmer und Forscher ...
Eschborn, Januar 2019. Das weltweit angesehene US-Analystenhaus Gartner Inc. veröffentlicht jährlich seinen Hype Cycle für Life Sciences, um Unternehmensvorstän...
Mit Freunden aus Indien hat Gunjan Bhardwaj in Deutschland Innoplexus aufgebaut – eine ausgeklügelte Suchmaschine für die Pharmabranche, die Profiwissen aus dem...
Successful clinical trials occur at a ratio of 1 in 10, costing around $2-$3 billion, with drugs taking 10–12 years to be approved. High costs, 90% failu...
Frankfurt, Germany – Innoplexus AG, a leading global artificial intelligence (AI) company with over 80 patent applications in AI, machine learning and blockchai...
Frankfurt, Germany – On March 21st, 2019, Biogen’s stock declined sharply, showing a decrease of 29%, resulting in losses to the tune of $18Bn for investors aft...
Before Biogen Inc.’s experimental Alzheimer’s disease drug failed in a trial last month, analysts surveyed by Bloomberg estimated annual sales of about $3.7 bil...
It can be hard to stay healthy in a convention center filled with thousands of people — unless, of course, you’re at the GPU Technology Conference, where health...
The Indian pharmaceutical industry has emerged as a significant contributor to the global pharmaceutical industry. As per the report by the Federation of Indian...
The evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) has taken the healthcare sector by a storm promising enhanced data analytics for effective decision making. Howeve...
AI enabled healthcare is swiftly becoming today’s reality, fueled by innovative startups in the field. These startups are leveraging GPUs to develop AI applicat...
Digitalization is becoming a source of hope: new analyses, networking, and larger amounts of data could give a boost to drug development. "Data, data eve...
What does 2019 have in store for Pharma? We asked industry Thought Leaders to name one disruptive trend or technology that will have a significant impact on the...
 The original video was published on Talk Business 360.
This is the talk given by Innoplexus Co-founder & CTO, Mr. Gaurav Tripathi at DataHack 2018 - an event by Analytics Vidhya. Lot of analytics companie...
Discover the story of bringing together two worlds- AI and healthcare. Gunjan Bhardwaj, Founder and CEO of Innoplexus, guides us through an inspiring journey of...
How to build the foundations of AI your team needs?- A deep dive. Gaurav Tripathi, Co-Founder and CTO of Innoplexus, shares his experience as a data scientist a...
Eschborn, January 2019. The world-renowned US analyst firm Gartner Inc. annually publishes its Hype Cycle for Life Sciences to help C-Level understand innovativ...
When diagnosed with a disease, it's often overwhelming to sort through mountains of medical data to figure out what therapies are available, pinpoint where they...
The possibilities life affords us are endless. We can find them everywhere, at the micro and macro levels and across all fields. Do you see them? Look closer: t...
Industry 4.0 has been pitched as able to transform the way pharma manufacturing operates, Lawrence Ganti, of Innoplexus, explains how AI can be used to improve ...
According to one study, the United States healthcare system ranked last among 11 industrialized nations in terms of access, equity, quality, efficiency, and hea...
While several companies touted the potential of AI to disrupt the drug development industry in 2018, what practical applications can the industry expect next ye...
Clinical Informatics tells us that: “Every year in the U.S., approximately 2 million patients participate in roughly 3000 clinical trials; six million patients ...
Global AI firm Innoplexus launched an innovative blockchain platform to dramatically raise the amount of data available for drug research and discovery. This ne...
Gunjan Bhardwaj helps pharmaceutical companies to find out more about diseases. By harnessing artificial intelligence, pharmaceutical companies are able to deve...
Local pharmaceutical firms should brace for a new era where drugmakers take advantage of artificial intelligence (AI) to develop a new medicine, experts said. ...
Indian and Swabian Together with friends from India, Gunjan Bhardwaj has successfully launched Innoplexus, a sophisticated ecosystem of continuous analyt...
Dr. Gunjan Bhardwaj is the founder and CEO of Innoplexus AG. With the help of artificial intelligence, blockchain and big data analysis applications, its iPlexu...
With a dramatic rise in physician burnout and many physicians exiting the field prematurely, the health care industry is looking to artificial intelligence (AI)...
It’s no surprise that the public hates Big Pharma. They rank just under the government on most Americans’ despised institution list. The public cites hig...
Innoplexus is at the forefront of decision-making technology as the company works in data aggregation to provide to researchers, pharmaceutical companies...
We are in the midst of a significant shift in pharmaceutical drug development, with many leading companies focusing increasingly on orphan drugs targeted at sma...
Companies that thrive on sustaining products over a long period are always at risk of classic disruptive innovation—losing business to a smaller company with fe...
The idea that a company’s success depends on how much it can leverage the skills of its employees’ bright minds is rapidly becoming an outdated concept. Compani...
Redundancies in any professional field mean dollars lost. But in healthcare, inefficiency can cost lives. That’s a reality that Gunjan Bhardwaj came to...
In this special guest feature, Gunjan Bhardwaj, Founder and CEO of Innoplexus , discusses how data silos in pharma prevent the latest advancements in machine l...
Researchers tend to have a genuine scientific curiosity and desire to make the world better with their discoveries. They are often thrilled about laboratory exp...
The quest for innovation is a major driving force in pharma. From the discovery of therapeutic biologicals in the 1920s, such as Salvarsan and insulin, to the b...
“If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.” – Isaac Newton There is nothing new under the sun. Innovation is a...
Ask the average person about the blockchain, and you’d be lucky if one in ten could tell you – even in vague terms – how the technology works, or even what it i...
Gunjan Bhardwaj is the Founder and CEO of the Innoplexus group. He was earlier with the Boston Consulting Group and before that the leader of the global busines...
If your loved one was diagnosed with a potentially fatal illness, wouldn’t you want all the information possible to be available to those who could formulate a ...
Don’t let the hype around blockchain fool you. Blockchain is only as useful as the solutions it provides. With all the excitement around blockchain as a ...
Researchers can now share unpublished data securely on the blockchain Global AI company Innoplexus launched today a groundbreaking blockchain platform ...
In the last five years, data science has continued to make rapid advances, particularly in the fields of machine learning and deep learning. Organisations now h...
Hosted by radio and TV personality Craig Sewing, ‘The American Dream’ is a national cable talk show that goes against the grain of all the negative stuff you ke...
Artificial intelligence (AI) has recently garnered a lot of attention, and it is transforming the way pharma execs use their data. tech emergency, an AI market ...
Despite the millions of lives that are saved by pharmaceutical drugs each year, the pharmaceutical industry struggles against an enduring bad reputation. It’s n...
Pharmaceutical companies spend a tremendous amount of money each year on advertising and marketing. According to the Pew Charitable Trusts, "In 2012, the pharma...
The risky and unpredictable nature of the clinical trial process is a major driver of high costs for pharmaceutical drugs. To justify the costs of drug developm...
Pharma should lean more on the power of big data and AI to identify and target individuals who possess the greatest social capital and influence relevant to a g...
It’s widely known by the pharmaceutical community that nearly nine out of ten drug candidates fail to win FDA approval, resulting in enormous drug development e...
Many successful leaders agree that a company’s willingness to embrace and learn from failure can unlock innovation – and it’s a lesson the pharmaceutical indust...
Gunjan Bhardwaj gives his opinion on how new technologies can help solve some of the problems in the pharma industry. The pharmaceutical industry today f...
With the burgeoning advancement and adoption of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence in various fields, there’s hope for a better future. These...
Innoplexus AG announced a revolutionary update is coming soon to their iPlexus platform that will harness the power of blockchain technology and artificial inte...
Germany-based company Innoplexus AG said that iPlexus (one of its subsidiaries) will leverage blockchain technology and AI to resolve inefficiencies in early-st...
Innoplexus will now be a part of NVIDIA Inception Program. A program that is designed to nurture dedicated and exceptional startups who are revolutionizing indu...
Open data sharing within the pharmaceutical industry is crucial for opening the floodgates of innovation. Successful innovation depends on having a rich supply ...
Innoplexus aims to democratize drug development with launch of new iPlexus Eschborn, Germany: Innoplexus AG announced today a groundbreaking update c...
2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created every day. The challenge is to identify the relevant ones for solving a challenging question. That is where Artificial...
It’s no secret that the American pharma industry is facing its fair share of challenges. From rising drug prices to corruption charges, the issues that American...
Insights are intended to guide innovations and reforms within the industry Hoboken, New Jersey: Innoplexus, a leader in artificial intelligence and da...
In late 90s, internet solved the problem of data access. Then came the explosion of data with the web search and social media. Necessity to find relevant data &...
Leader in Pharmaceutical Research AI expands North American Presence. HOBOKEN, NJ, May 10, 2018 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Innoplexus , a lead...
Eschborn, 5th May 2018 – Innoplexus AG supports the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Global Sepsis Alliance (GSA) by measuring the effect of its online a...
Post Written By Gunjan Bhardwaj Dr. Gunjan Bhardwaj is Co-Founder and Chief Executive of Innoplexus AG. In December 2017, Amazon, JPMorgan Chas...
As blockchain expands its reach across different industries, Gunjan Bhardwaj examines some of its practical applications in the pharma industry. Blockch...
April 23, 2018 – Eschborn – Innoplexus AG is excited to announce that it has been selected as a "2018 TiE50 Finalist" for the prestigious TiE50 Awards Prog...
Insights into the Third Wave of Artificial intelligence promises the first AI Summit organised by Innoplexus and Frankfurt School of Finance & Manageme...
Post Written By Gunjan Bhardwaj Dr. Gunjan Bhardwaj is Co-Founder and Chief Executive of Innoplexus AG. The cost of drug development has skyroc...
Nobody doubts that fake medicines are an increasing threat to consumers and the pharma industry’s bottom line. Is blockchain the answer to secure the supply cha...
When a major global pharmaceutical company wanted to accelerate the development of a new therapy line and discover how to differentiate their early stage assets...
Medicine is ripe for disruption. As David Lawrence, former Chairman and CEO of the Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, wrote in his 2005 book chapter Bridging ...
The entire pharmaceutical industry has been booming, from the manufacturing of clinical trial materials to support research studies to the regulated medicines o...
In the 21st century pharma companies face novel challenges. Pairing artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities with human strengths can bring a competitive...
When medicine incorporates AI, blockchain, and big data we are going to lower costs, reduce health disparity, and speed novel therapeutics to market. ...
The effectiveness of AI applications can be undermined by the volumes of unstructured data prevalent in the pharma industry . What can be done to overcome th...
Making more people aware about clinical trials that identify data patterns on usage of a particular drug to discover if it can be repurposed and used ...
Cutting-edge technologies are increasingly improving pharma’s R&D processes, which will reduce costs and, in turn, benefit patients, says Gunjan Bhardwaj. ...
Post Written By Gunjan Bhardwaj Dr. Gunjan Bhardwaj is Co-Founder and Chief Executive of Innoplexus AG. I recently wrote about five technologie...
Innoplexus AG, a leading AI based analytics as a service provider in life sciences and financial services domain, announced today appointment of Lawrence Ganti ...
Innoplexus AG, a leading AI based analytics as a service provider in life sciences and financial services domain, announced today appointment of Lawrence Ganti ...
Innoplexus AG proudly announces that our founder and CEO, Dr Gunjan Bhardwaj will be on the panel discussion at Machine Intelligence Summit to be held on 14th J...
As Kevin Rands, (a contributor at has stated in his blog “Data is the lifeline of any business”, and truly said, it remains the heart of businesses for...
Innoplexus unveiled iPlexus at Bio-IT, 2017, Boston . is an end-to-end platform for Life Sciences which leverages Artificial Intelligence (AI...
3 Ways Big Data and Analytics are Making Big Changes in Healthcare The technologies behind the next wave in healthcare innovation. Information i...
Innoplexus talks about Cybersecurity with Are Indian Tech Start-ups Robust Enough To Run Fast With Nation's Digital Drive? The Z...
Excited to announce that Innoplexus is a gold sponsor of Bio-IT World Conference & Expo which is a 3 day event being held from 23rd May to 25th May 2017 a...
Innoplexus launches iPlexus to transform decision support in the Life Sciences Industry Innoplexus, the technology and product development company focuse...
Innoplexus is proud to announce our collaboration with the Regional Cancer Centre, Gwalior. Innoplexus has executed an MoU to provide an academic license for it...
Innoplexus, a Germany- and India-based Data as a Service (DaaS) startup, has closed an undisclosed sum in pre-Series A funding from HCS, a Germany-based Venture...
Innoplexus wins Horizon Interactive Gold Award for Curia App
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