We want to democratize data

We want to democratize data

Dr. Gunjan Bhardwaj is the founder and CEO of Innoplexus AG. With the help of artificial intelligence, blockchain and big data analysis applications, its iPlexus software has crawled over 300 terabytes of relevant clinical and medical data and put them in a logical context, being constantly updated and delivered to the workstations of customers in the life science industry only with one mouse click.

How does Artificial Intelligence change the access of physicians and researcher to information?

We want to democratize data: Therefore, technology is needed, that delivers a second or third opinion to physicians, researchers and even laymen. A few years ago, a good friend was diagnosed with cancer, and we were desperately looking for possible therapies. One finding was, that the internet provides a lot of knowledge – but the known search technologies were not sufficient enough to make it accessible. Consequently, we made it our task to develop new technologies.

2.5 million terabytes of data are created every day. Which technologies do you use to search for relevant information?

Traditional providers rely solely on algorithms and computer power. But there are limits. We have also designed a language model for life science. So, we search with the help of our ontological competence. We recognize websites that are related to clinical studies, for example. In the next step, we extract the decisive data and deliver it to the customer in a subject-specific context.

You use also Blockchain as new technology. How does the Blockchain complement Artificial Intelligence or Big Data?

With the help of Artificial Intelligence, we crawl, aggregate, analyse and visualize all public available structured and unstructured Life- Science Data. A second approach is to enable a secure access to unpublished data. For this we use Blockchain.

How does Blockchain support researchers at work?

We build register by means of blockchain which list so far unpublished documents and research paper. We write the metadata into a ledger. Here the data are stored tamper- proof and refer to the author and institute of a study.

What added value do you bring to the company and what business case do you support?

We always talk about digitization in healthcare. But there is so much knowledge that cannot be retrieved. For example, an unsuccessful experiment would not have to be repeated if the information were shared and drugs or therapies could be developed and brought to market more quickly.

This article was originally published on Reflex Verlag.


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