Innoplexus supports the WHO “Save Lives – Clean Your Hands” -Campaign 2018 with AI technology

Innoplexus supports the WHO “Save Lives – Clean Your Hands” -Campaign 2018 with AI technology

Eschborn, 5th May 2018 – Innoplexus AG supports the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Global Sepsis Alliance (GSA) by measuring the effect of its online and social media communication initiatives using its Artificial Intelligence (AI) based analysis technologies.

Annually on May 5th, 20'000 hospitals across 177 countries participate in promoting hygiene standards worldwide. This year, the focus of the awareness campaign is on the prevention of Sepsis. Yearly, 30 million people are affected by this disease. A majority of these infections could have been preventable – if the right measures had been in place.

Prof. Dr. Konrad Reinhart, Chairman of the Global Sepsis Alliance, explains: "Every year, Sepsis kills approx. 6-9 million people (500’000 of them are newborns). With simple hygiene measures, many of these fatalities can be prevented. Raising awareness for hand hygiene is therefore potentially life-saving. Additionally, we must understand what the response is to our efforts in medical media and on social media so that we can learn for future campaigns. In order to beat Sepsis, we must overcome ignorance and carelessness. To do this we must be able to accurately measure the impact of our campaign”.

We are proud to be supporting this campaign by measuring the effect of the Clean Your Hands day to gain insights into the reach and sustainability of this important initiative” underlines Dr. Gunjan Bhardwaj, CEO and Founder of Innoplexus. “We measure key words in medical communication channels and on social media platforms. We explore how the 2018 campaign is performing in comparison to those of previous years with the aim of improving the effectiveness of this global health initiative”.

Analysis of scientific and social media channels will be provided by Innoplexus from 3rd May for a duration of three months to evaluate the effectiveness of Clean Your Hands day. Thanks to its proprietary technology, based on AI, Innoplexus can crawl, aggregate and analyse structured and unstructured data from numerous communication channels. Additionally, to social media, these channels also include news agencies, over 25‘000 trade magazines as well as international congress presentations and other types of publications.

Results will be presented by Prof. Dr. Reinhart on behalf of the Global Sepsis Alliance.

About the WHO “Saves Lives - Clean Your Hands” Day on 5th May

The annual awareness day which was initiated by the WHO 20 years ago includes the participation of 19‘217 hospitals in 177 countries worldwide along with numerous public organizations.

About the Global Sepsis Alliance

The Global Sepsis Alliance is a non-profit charity organisation founded in 2010. On 13th September it organizes the annual World Sepsis Day. This year the WHO and the GSA are shifting the focus of its worldwide “Save Lives - Clean Your Hands” Day to Sepsis. Additionally, the GSA will hold a free online congress on the topic of Sepsis on 5th and 6th of September 2018. More information can be found here: https://www.worldsepsiscongress.org/

Visit the Clean Your Hands Day and the Global Sepsis Alliance online:


Follow the Clean Your Hands Day on Twitter #handhygiene #sepsis

The original article was published on World Health Organization.


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